If you haven't already heard about the tragedy that took place on November, 28th 2008, at the Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream, New York. Allow me to share it with you. On that day a man, Jdimytai Damour, employed through a temp agency as a maintenance worker for the Wal-Mart at the Green Acres Mall, generously tried to help with the crowd that was forming in front of the doors at 4:00 am that morning. Doors that would soon be broken down by an unruly mob of hungry shoppers, simply looking for a deal. Jdimytai Damour, 34, was killed. Trampled in fact, to death.
I'd like to share with you now an excerpt from the New York Times.
"When they were saying they had to leave, that an employee got killed, people were yelling, 'I've been in line since yesterday morning,' "Ms. Cribbs told The Associated Press. "They kept shopping."
A statement which brought me near the verge of vomit.
These people callously discarded a human life! For what!?! Material possessions, some of which will probably be returned. This man, was a seasonal worker hired to some some maintenance work that day, trying to put food on his family's table and now he is dead. Why!?! Because some fat middle class slags wanted to spend their husbands money and their wives money on toasters and televisions. So that some corpulent kids could play video games for another few months. A mans life discarded for the most meaningless of paraphernalia. I hope each of those perpetrators are haunted for the rest of their natural Cheeto guzzling, holiday governed and miserable Oprah filled lives.
A child no longer has a father as a result of some overweight imbecile wanting first hands on fifteen dollar DVD player. A wife is without her husband in the interest of the apathetic and materialistic blindness of an irrelevant need for cheap household appliances, which is so deeply ingrained in so many people across the world and especially in this country. It is utterly revolting and today I am not proud to be a part of the human race.
If you can stomach it, Follow the link to read the full story.