Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Says he's proud of ya."

SWAT Team Breaks Up Noisy Gaming

Danish cops temporarily arrest gamers on "suspicion of mayhem."

By Steve Watts, 01/13/2009 at 13:06


A pair of gamers in Copenhagen, Denmark found that playing too loudly can be hazardous, reports (viaGamePolitics). A 21-year-old and his friend were playing an unspecified PlayStation 3 game -- presumably a shooter -- when a concerned neighbor called the police, mistaking the sounds for real gunfire. A Danish SWAT team was dispatched to the scene, which you'd think would be reserved for cases where actual guns are confirmed in the area. They called for the two men to surrender, which the gamers promptly did. They were arrested on "suspicion of mayhem," but then released after a search of the apartment found no guns.

So let that be a lesson to those of you living in apartments with amazing sound systems. Turn the volume down, or a confused neighbor might call the fuzz on you.

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Year. New Focus.

I'm going to start treating this blog, almost as a journal.
So, starting today, I have my first auditions (that I'm not missing for work)
of the new year. I eventually hope to have at least one a week and  hopefully
in time more than that. 

My first audition is at the USC campus, much like a large part of California, I have never been to the campus. The google map wasn't able to give me an accurate bus schedule either so, 'm going to have ask civilians or as I like to call them Civillians. They 
often each give you a different direction n which to traverse. I walked around most of "downtown" West Hollywood the other day in search of a vintage clothing store. There seem to be a lot of downtowns that aren't close to one another at all. Or perhaps I'm so used to downtown meaning buildings and shopping centers because of the time I spent (most my entire life) in Utah. Though there really aren't any sides for me to rehearse, just character descriptions, so, I might end up getting to perform my Supernatural monologue. Huzzah! My first audition is a 2:15 pm, hopefully that leaves enough time for me to get to the second.

My second audition is also downtown but closer to the heart of West Hollywood. Problem is they haven't gotten back to me with an audition time or sides to rehearse so, I'm going to call them right now.........calling..................ringing................huh?......I'll be damned!....
Wow, I just got off the phone with the producer and we had a good talk . He asked for my email address which I created in 2000', during which point I was completely obsessed with Smallville.  So my email is sort of a clever quip at the shows title. Anyway, we got to talking about last nights episode of Smallville. Which, yes,  I have been watching. Its good again this season. Anywho, it seems my second audition is at 5pm. I'm going to shower now and get to the first early and hopefully audition early, so that I have time to make it to this at 5.
Send your wishes of me making it to both auditions, care of Apollo and he will bestow those wishes as blessing upon me! Away!