Sunday, November 30, 2008

THE DARK KNIGHT, 11th viewing.

This film is so opprobriously brilliant it hurts. Christopher Nolan can do no wrong. I would absolutely be 100% okay if there was never another Batman film. Why? Because this one is pitch perfect. Why try and add to perfection. Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Morgan Freeman. Within two films these people accomplished so very much. Nolan and his cast were able to establish where Batman began, what he became and what he will be. Along with a relevant and subtle social commentary. Unless the story for a possible sequel is unquestionably perfect and doesn't take away from what the past two films have built. And only if Nolan returns to do it, can it be a worthwhile endeavor and not just a stab at milking more money from the profuse richness of the mammilla dangling on the breast of this franchise. The studio has already made so much money from The Dark Knight and continues to and will continue to, especially with the DVD hitting on the 9th of December. I say leave it to Chris Nolan, allow the decision to rest in his hands and allow me to continue watching this morsel of cinematic magnificence. 

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