Thursday, September 17, 2009

I am back.

So back in January I mentioned using this as a journal. That clearly never came to fruition. I am now taking the opportunity to do so and stick to it. A lot has changed. I am a different man, I have grown. In the past nine months, I have experienced a great deal both good and bad. I fell in love, I got back into theatre, I once a gain reassessed my goal and end goal, I got back to writing and drawing as well. My creative apparatus is back in full swing and this momentum can only bring more to my craft. Today, I am meeting with Alex and we will be going to the Re-Writers Guild meeting to do some cold reading. I am sure I will talk to Carleton and Erik at some point today. Carleton just had a huge audition for "Three Rivers." New show on CBS. Looking forward to Supernatural season 5, episode 2, today.

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